Are you tired of having deep, vertical lines between your eyebrows? When you look in the mirror, do you see frown lines on your forehead or crow’s feet beneath your eyes? Erase these wrinkles, safely and effectively, with Dysport and Xeomin. Dysport & Xeomin are anti-aging injectables designed to relax your wrinkles and give you a smooth, rejuvenated appearance. Like Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are Botulinum A toxin injectables approved to treat dynamic facial wrinkles. Dysport and Xeomin have slightly different formulations than Botox: some patients see their best results with Botox, while others see better results with Dysport or Xeomin.

Wondering what type of wrinkle relaxer is right for you? Dr. Kimberly Short will be happy to assess your skin and custom-tailor an anti-aging injectable treatment to your unique needs. Call to schedule a private consultation for Dysport or Xeomin at Indy Plastic Surgery today.

Wrinkle Removers

Wrinkle relaxing injectables are a safe, highly popular solution for both men and women looking to stop and prevent facial aging. When we smile and frown, our muscles scrunch and move our face. Eventually, with repeated movements, the muscles can become tight or over-fire. This results in forehead lines and smile lines around the eyes, even when our faces are at rest. These wrinkles are known as dynamic wrinkles and will best be treated by neuromodulators.

Dysport and Xeomin are neuromodulators, which means that they relax the muscles that create these wrinkles. Injections of Dysport or Xeomin block the nerve signals from the brain that tell the facial muscles to fire. Dysport and Xeomin will relax these muscles, effectively releasing and erasing frown lines, glabellar lines, and crow’s feet.

Both Dysport and Xeomin are designed to address glabellar lines, or the vertical lines that commonly form between the eyebrows. Because neuromodulators relax facial muscles, Dysport & Xeomin will also prevent the formation of future wrinkles. These neuromodulators are effective wrinkle removers that will return your face to a smooth, youthful appearance. If you have questions about what anti-aging injectables can do to revive and refresh your facial aesthetics, we invite you to schedule a private consultation at Indy Plastic Surgery today.

How do Dysport & Xeomin Compare to Botox? 

Like Botox, the active ingredient in Dysport and Xeomin is Botulinum Toxin A. The Botulinum Toxin A is a neuromodulator approved by the FDA for cosmetic injection. Also like Botox, Dysport and Xeomin will relax dynamic facial wrinkles, such as glabellar lines, frown lines, and crows’ feet. The main difference between Dysport, Xeomin, and Botox is their formulation. Because Dysport and Xeomin have slightly different ingredients than Botox, some patients will see better results with one over the other. This has sometimes been compared to how some people prefer Pepsi or Coke: the preference depends on the individual.


The proteins in Dysport are slightly different than Botox. Due to this difference, some people’s bodies may accept Dysport more successfully than Botox (this depends on the individual). Dysport is made of smaller molecules than Botox, which allows it to take effect more quickly. Dysport usually takes effect within a day of the injection, while Botox can take up to a week. Dysport will also spread more easily, making it an ideal option for patients interested in treating a larger area of their brows. Results with Dysport can last up to four months, depending on the patient.

Dysport is offered at a lower price than Botox.


Unlike Botox and Dysport, Xeomin has no additives. It is purely Botulinum Toxin Type A. Without additives, there is reduced risk of the body developing antibodies against Xeomin. This can be the case with other neuromodulators, diminishing the efficiency of the injection. Results with Xeomin are apparent within a week of injection. Results will last three to six months. Xeomin is an excellent solution to glabellar lines, frown lines, and crows’ feet.

Xeomin is available at a lower price than Botox.

What Can Dysport and Xeomin Treat?

Dysport and Xeomin are highly effective solutions to vertical lines that form between the eyebrows, known as “glabellar lines.”

Dysport and Xeomin will erase dynamic forehead lines, or frown lines. If patients have crows’ feet or smile lines under their eyes, Dysport or Xeomin are excellent options for smoothing and removing these wrinkles to restore a younger, more rested appearance.

Benefits of Dysport and Xeomin

Why are Xeomin and Dysport two of today’s top anti-wrinkle treatments?

  • Completely smooth away glabellar lines, frown lines, and crows’ feet. Dysport and Xeomin restore the skin to a relaxed, youthful appearance.
  • Are part of a customizable treatment. The amount you receive will depend on the needs of your unique case.
  • Are quick to administer. You can receive Dysport or Xeomin in as little as 15 minutes!
  • Are comfortable. Most patients find their injections very tolerable. Interested patients can receive a topical anesthetic to keep them comfortable.
  • Do not require downtime. You can safely return to your daily routine after treatment with neuromodulators like Dysport or Xeomin.
  • Deliver quick results. Your targeted wrinkles will vanish within days of your injection.
  • Achieve safe facial rejuvenation. Xeomin and Dysport are highly safe injectables.
  • Will last four months or more. Patients can extend their results for the long-term with quick, convenient maintenance treatments at Indy Plastic Surgery.


If you have persistent dynamic wrinkles between your eyebrows, on your forehead, or around your eyes, you are a good candidate for Dysport and Xeomin. If you have received Botox before, but your results only lasted a few months, you are a good candidate for Dysport and Xeomin: you may find that your body chemistry holds on longer to Dysport or Xeomin than it does Botox!

Ideal candidates are non-smokers, as smoking can impact the health and quality of the skin. Candidates will see their best results if they are at a stable weight and have a mild to moderate degree of skin laxity. If patients have an advanced degree of skin laxity, they may require an alternative or additional rejuvenating treatment to achieve their preferred results.

As we age, our face forms both static and dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by muscle movement, while static wrinkles are a result of lost skin laxity and reduced volume. Patients can combine Xeomin or Dysport with artful injections of volumizing Dermal Fillers for complete, natural-looking facial rejuvenation.

If you are looking to prevent future aging, consider Xeomin and Dysport. Due to the fact that they keep facial muscles relaxed, these injectables both erase existing dynamic wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. Candidates who are allergic to milk should not receive Dysport. Candidates who are pregnant or breastfeeding will want to wait before receiving Xeomin or Dysport.


We tailor every facial rejuvenation procedure to complement our patients’ unique features and address their presenting aging concerns. When you come to Indy Plastic Surgery for your private consultation, Dr. Short will assess your facial wrinkles. She will also discuss your medical history and medication use with you, as well as go over any previous cosmetic procedures you may have received. Once she has a good understanding of your desired outcomes, Dr. Short will recommend a treatment plan that will achieve your ideal, revitalized appearance.

We invite you to ask any questions you have about Xeomin, Dysport, or any other rejuvenating services we offer at Indy Plastic Surgery during your private consultation

Your Personalized Treatment

After Xeomin, Dysport, or additional complementary dermal fillers have been administered, patients are free to return to their daily schedules! Facial rejuvenation with Xeomin or Dysport takes only fifteen minutes! If patients will be addressing their wrinkles with both wrinkle relaxers and volumizing dermal fillers, their injection session may be twenty or thirty minutes. Dr. Short will skillfully administer your rejuvenating injectables to counter facial aging while preserving your natural facial features and movements.

Patients can receive a topical anesthetic to keep them comfortable during their treatment with Dysport or Xeomin. The details of your procedure will depend on your treatment area and the number of vials you will receive. Each type of wrinkle relaxer will be administered in a way that is appropriate to both the patient and the product. For example, to see the best results with Dysport, Dr. Short treats glabellar lines by injecting the Dysport into five targeted spots on the forehead.

Recovery / Results

No downtime is required after receiving Xeomin or Dysport. Redness, swelling, or tenderness can occur in the treatment sites, but these conditions will go away within a few days. Ice application can be helpful to reduce any swelling or discomfort. Post-procedure bruising is highly rare. If bruising does occur, it can be safely concealed with makeup. Patients should not apply pressure to their treated areas for seven days after receiving Xeomin or Dysport.

Xeomin and Dysport will relax your muscles to smooth away the appearance of glabellar lines, frown lines, and crows’ feet. Within a week of your injection, you will look younger and more refreshed. Results with Xeomin and Dysport will last for four to six months, depending on your unique body chemistry.  Patients who want to extend the results of their Xeomin or Dysport can receive convenient periodic maintenance treatments from Dr. Short. In just fifteen minutes, you can refresh your appearance and get back to your daily routine.

More FAQs


Wrinkle removers and injectable fillers are two of the most popular aesthetic treatments at Indy Plastic Surgery. They are quick, convenient, and truly work! The best rejuvenating options, of course, will depend on the unique patient and their aesthetic needs. If you are unsure what treatment options will accomplish your desired facial appearance, we invite you to schedule an informative consultation at Indy Plastic Surgery today.


We offer Dysport and Xeomin at a lower price than Botox. To learn more about our competitive Dysport and Xeomin pricing, you can visit our Pricing menu here. If you would like to learn about our current facial rejuvenation promotional deals, call Indy Plastic Surgery today.


Botulinum Toxin A has been FDA-approved and administered for cosmetic application safely and successfully for years. It is important to receive any neuromodulator injections from a certified injector and accredited skin care practice. This will guarantee the quality and safety of your product. When administered properly, neurotoxins are an excellent anti-aging treatment. Neuromodulators like Dysport and Xeomin are a convenient, worry-free solution to dynamic forehead wrinkles and under eye creases!