Breast augmentation remains the most popular procedure in the cosmetic industry. Even though they are not as frequently discussed, breast implant refresh and removal surgeries are also a normal part of implant maintenance and play an important role in patient satisfaction. There are a number of reasons why it may eventually be necessary to remove or refresh your implants. Common reasons for implant refresh and removal include basic implant maintenance, aesthetic upgrades, concerns of a health risk or simply changing tastes in the patient as they mature and age.  If you’re curious about an augmentation refresh or implant removal, schedule a consultation with the Gillian Institute for Plastic, Aesthetic and Laser Surgery, led by Dr. Kimberly Short. We have two convenient locations in downtown and north Indianapolis. Dr. Short is a consultant for Mentor’s Leadership, Experience, and Development for Breast Augmentation (LEAD). And she’s been a member of the National Council of Leaders for Breast Aesthetics.

Can a Woman Change Her Body And Her Mind?   

There’s no shame in wanting to change your appearance. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to change it back. An aesthetic procedure can be very empowering for a woman. She is in the driver’s seat when she gets to make lasting decisions about her own appearance. It’s a woman’s right to change her mind, after all!

If your implant surgery took place between 10 and 15 years ago, it is likely time to upgrade your boob job. This is because your implants don’t last forever. And why would you want them too? Improvements in technology and updates in the style mean you have more options than ever to achieve the look of your dreams. Whether you love your implants and are due for a regular implant refresh, or have experienced difficulties related to your implant, Dr. Kimberly Short is a skilled and experienced woman who is ready to walk with you through every step of your transformational journey.

Breast Augmentation Revision

Breast augmentation can lead to long-lasting, life-changing results. But after eight to ten years, even the world’s best breast augmentations can need a little “refresh.”

If you have had your implant for many years and you have noticed that your breasts aren’t as lively and perky as they used to be, schedule a consultation for a breast augmentation revision (also known as a breast implant refresh). Mentor’s warranty will cover the cost of replacing your implant should an issue occur within the first ten years. Implant refresh is recommended every ten to fifteen years in order to update you with a newer implant and maintain your results for the long-term.

Common Reasons for Augmentation Refresh

For silicone implants, doctors advise scheduling an MRI every two years after your surgery to stay abreast of any complications.

  • Sagging
  • Asymmetry
  • Capsular Contracture
  • Rupture
  • Rippling

It’s a fact of life that the tissue surrounding breast implants will change in time. So can your tastes and style. The implants themselves might also have experienced some wear as you go about your daily life. In rare instances, an implant may rupture. In the case of saline implants, a simple check in the mirror is all that’s needed to detect deflation. The saline solution will be absorbed into the body without causing any harm.

What Can I Expect During Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

The specifics of your breast augmentation refresh will vary depending on your goals. Let’s explore your options for upgrading your boob job! 


As age and stress take their cumulative toll, many people with implants choose to rejuvenate their whole look with a breast lift during their implant revision. The lift will require Dr. Short to make some incisions to your breast. Expect circular incisions around the nipple, and, if you would like to remove sagging skin, horizontal cuts around the breast crease.


This is a relatively simple procedure where Dr. Short, in most cases, will be able to work through the original incisions that were made during your first augmentation surgery. Your implant pocket may be enlarged to accommodate a larger implant, if that is what you desire. Dr. Short may also add an acellular dermal matrix to the breast pocket for added perkiness and life.

What is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is an immune response that causes the tissue around the breast implants to harden and, in some cases, become painful.

Capsular contracture is an undesired outcome some people with implants experience. Its symptoms include the stiff, spherical look we see in a small number of breast augmentation patients. Capsular contracture is a telltale sign of a boob job in need of a refresh!

There are several treatment options, including breast implant removal. To mitigate the risk of capsular contracture immediately following implant surgery, Dr. Short prescribes regular massage of the breast tissue and a post-op regimen of drugs aimed at prevention.

Capsular contracture can cause the breasts to bulge and become distorted in ways that run contrary to a patient’s aesthetic goals. At this point, you may choose to undergo breast implant revision surgery to achieve the desired look.

Some women opt to have their implants removed altogether. There’s a range of treatment options available for capsular contracture. If you think you are experiencing capsular contracture, contact Dr. Short. She will help you find a solution that is most aligned with your health and beauty needs. 


  • Grade I — the breast is normally soft and appears natural in size and shape
  • Grade II — the breast is a little firm, but appears normal
  • Grade III — the breast is firm and appears abnormal
  • Grade IV — the breast is hard, painful to the touch, and appears abnormal

How Does Breast Implant Removal Work?

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do everything. With Dr. Short’s expert knowledge in the breast enhancement field, you can rest assured that both your safety and aesthetic goals are our top priority at the Gillian Institute.

When it comes to breast implant removal (or “explant surgery,” as it’s often called) an en bloc capsulectomy is the preferred method. A “capsule” is a pocket of scar tissue that envelops the breast implant shortly after surgery. During implant removal, it’s recommended that the entire capsule be removed “en bloc,” or fully intact and without any tears to the capsule tissue or the implant within. This method prevents any contents inside the capsule from making contact with the rest of the body.

An en bloc capsulectomy prevents contamination from:

  • Silicone & Silicone Particulate
  • Chemical Textures
  • Bacteria
  • Heavy Metals


You may choose to remove your breast implants if you’re suffering from acute and unforeseen side effects. While all women experience some discomfort immediately after the implant surgery, a number of factors including low pain tolerance or sensitivity to a variety of ailments motivate some individuals with implants to ask about an explant procedure.

Common side effects of breast implants according to the FDA:

  • Pain and changes in sensitivity to the nipple and breast area
  • Complications breastfeeding
  • Breast Implant Illness (BII)
  • Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
  • Implant rupture
  • Capsular contracture

Some of these complications are more common and concerning than others. It is your plastic surgeon’s responsibility to properly prepare you for any of these eventualities. The degree to which women experience these issues depends a great deal on the unique body chemistry of the individual. Some women find that their implants restrict their motion and ability to exercise more than they would like. Other women report acute discomfort while at rest. These implant recipients describe difficulty sleeping or lying down, especially on their backs when the implants can put pressure on the nerves and ribcage. If you experience these issues, Dr. Short can help you find relief, either with a smaller implant or by performing explant surgery and restoring the natural look of your breasts.

Every woman can expect mild discomfort as their body recovers.


  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Chest and shoulder exercises
  • Cardiovascular exercise

Breast Implant Illness

In rare cases, some women report a set of diffuse symptoms throughout the body that they attribute to the presence of breast implants. These symptoms affect many organ systems across the body simultaneously and they express themselves uniquely from person to person. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes these systematic symptoms as Breast Implant Illness (BII).

The exact causes of BII have yet to be pinned down. And the systematic nature of the symptoms has presented a challenge to both patients and doctors even trying to describe it. But Dr. Short is ready to listen. The Internet and social media have allowed unprecedented opportunities for communities of women to share their common experiences. This has shined a light on BII. If you believe you may be experiencing BII, schedule a consultation with the Gillian Institute to discuss your breast implant removal options.


  • General body pain
  • Problems with digestion
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Skin rash
  • Breast pain
  • “Brain fog” (trouble concentrating and remembering things)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hair loss

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

In July of 2019, Allergan withdrew its Biocell textured breast implants and tissue expanders from the market. They did this voluntarily in response to a growing concern that the product may have been responsible for cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

BIA-ALCL is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a cancer of the immune system. Even though it is rare, it can be deadly.

So, if you live in the Indianapolis area and you believe that your Biocell textured breast implants may be causing you harm, you may be a candidate for explant surgery. Schedule a consultation with the Gillian Institute for peace of mind today.


  • Localized pain near the breast implant
  • Persistent swelling in the chest area
  • Presence of an unfamiliar mass near the implant

The Gillian Institute is Ready to Listen

Every person is different. And every woman deserves the body she desires, even as those desires (and her body) change over time. If you’re curious about an augmentation refresh, revision or implant removal, schedule a consultation with the Gillian Institute in Indianapolis and continue your journey to the new you!