Introducing the FIRST AND ONLY FDA approved device to tighten, firm, and “LIFT” the skin without any recovery!

This revolutionary treatment is a NON-INVASIVE ultrasound treatment for lifting the underlying tissues and providing a firmer, tighter, and more youthful appearance with no recovery period. This treatment will be the answer to a non-surgical option for full face rejuvenation.

About Ultherapy

The Ulthera device is unique and is unlike any other device that has been used in the aesthetics arena because it enables clinicians to clearly visualize the deeper tissue layers to deliver the ultrasound energy to lift the skin without surgery. This is the first time, clinicians can actually SEE the tissue layers and SEE exactly where the energy is being delivered. By using sound waves, the same type of ultrasound energy that is used for imaging pregnant women to monitor a baby, micro beads of heat are delivered at a precise level in the skin to affect the deep layers of the skin, leaving the superficial skin layer completely untouched.

The ultrasound treatment will stimulate your body’s own growth of new collagen and provide a long-lasting effect. This technology will deliver skin rejuvenation by lifting the skin in a natural, gradual response without any recovery period using a trusted, safe method without surgery. Dr. Short is very excited to offer this revolutionary new device to her patients! This is the device to counteract the effects of aging by using the body’s own healing response by visualizing then delivering energy to the deeper structures to produce visible results without any downtime.

Candidates / Results

Patients who have loose skin around the eyes, the jowl area, and the neckline. Patients who are experiencing a relaxation in the skin to the face and have a lowered or sagging brow. Patients who have a flattened cheek, down-turning of the mouth, looseness of skin to the face such as the neck line, marionette lines to the chin area or sagging skin causing unflattering folds to the skin such as the nasolabial folds.

Typically, results are seen gradually over the first 2-3 months following the treatment. The results will appear with a lifted, firmer, tighter skin appearance giving patients a natural, more youthful appearance. The patient can expect to see skin lifting and skin tightening.


This technique has been proven safe and effective especially since ultrasound energy has been used in the medical field for over 50 years and clinical trials conducted by the FDA has shown its safety and efficacy. In the FDA clinical trials, 9 out of 10 patients had a noticeable, significant lift of the brow line. This resulted in a markedly visible reduction in skin laxity on the eyelid, a more open eye, and an overall more youthful appearance. Patients reported a firmer, tighter, less aged appearance to the skin on the forehead, upper brow, eye area, cheeks, lower face such as the jowls, and neckline.

Note: It is important to address any concerns with Dr. Short at the time of your consultation. There is some risk, as with any surgical procedure. Minor complications that do not affect the final outcome occur occasionally. Major complications are unusual. Dr. Short can explain the procedure and potential complications to you in detail, and she can assist you in determining if Ultherapy is right for you.

Ultherapy FAQs

How does the Ultherapy work?

As with other ultrasound procedures, the smooth applicator is placed upon your skin and it will project an image onto a screen that allows your clinician to plan where the energy will be focused. This same applicator is then used to deliver the energy and heat at the precise level of depth below the skin to achieve the desired result. The superficial skin layer is not affected at all. Your skin’s response to the ultrasound energy is to stimulate the growth of new collagen, resulting in a gradual, natural lift over time. The treatment will last between 30-90 minutes.

How does the Ultherapy treatment feel?

Comfort levels vary from person to person, but this is an in-office treatment. Many patients, as well as our own staff who have been treated, describe the sensation as a small prickling under the skin or heat beneath the skin. To allow patients a more comfortable experience, patients can take a mild analgesic prior to the treatment or simply just bring their iPod to enhance their relaxation during the treatment.

How does the Ultherapy treatment differ from skin tightening treatments such as Thermage or SkinTyte or Pelleve?

Ultherapy is the only skin rejuvenation procedure that uses ultrasound for non-invasive skin tightening and is the only FDA modality approved to LIFT the skin. Thermage and Pelleve use radio frequency technology, and Skintyte uses broadband light energy to deliver energy to the deeper tissue layers to stimulate new collagen growth but Ultherapy enables clinicians to actually SEE the depth of the tissue layer to deliver the energy to a precise, accurate tissue depth. Ultherapy is also a single treatment session whereas the other skin tightening treatments can be multiple treatment sessions and the longevity of the Ultherapy results are predicted to last many years.

What should I expect after the Ultherapy treatment?

Following a treatment, there is NO recovery period and NO downtime. You may return to your normal activities and normal skin care regimen immediately. There may be a slightly flushed appearance to the skin directly after the treatment that will resolve within a few hours. Some patients may experience mild tenderness if the skin is touched firmly along the jawline that will resolve within a few days. Some patients may experience slight swelling and/or bruising that will resolve within a few days.