When you have a personal problem, you want to find the most effective solution. Enlarged male breasts can cause embarrassment and discomfort, but they do not need to define a man.
If your chest is larger than you want it to be, Dr. Kimberly Short is your best resource. Dr. Short is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been selected as a speaker at the National Plastic Surgery Meeting to highlight her unparalleled breast reduction expertise.
To benefit from Dr. Short’s experience and dedication, please contact The Gillian Institute. With two convenient locations in Downtown and Northside, we serve the greater Indianapolis community with pride. We also offer virtual consultations for those who are unable to visit us in person. No matter where you log on, we want to connect with you.
Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlarged male breasts. Breast reduction surgery can remove unwanted fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin.[1] Dr. Short is an industry leader in the best ways to approach the persistence of gynecomastia. Her SPAIR (short scar periareolar inferior pedicle reduction) method is a vast improvement to previous, older breast reduction techniques.[2]
Dr. Short’s approach minimizes scarring while thoroughly addressing enlarged breasts in a subtle, yet comprehensive, manner.
Dr. Kimberly Short is a premier breast surgeon and her most recent presentation was entitled Incorporating the SPAIR Mammoplasty into Your Practice. Dr. Short was able to personally train with the inventor & founder of the SPAIR technique in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Short understands the importance of achieving the optimal correction of breast fullness to the male anatomy.
To learn how Dr. Short can help you achieve masculine, flat chest contours, contact The Gillian Institute at your earliest convenience.
Boys experience many bodily fluctuations during their adolescent years. Puberty triggers a change in hormone levels. Androgen is the hormone associated with male traits while estrogen is linked to female characteristics. During adolescence, both girls and boys may witness a surge in estrogen. This can enlarge male breasts during a boy’s teenage years, but the condition often subsides as he enters adulthood.
If the persistence of enlarged breasts lingers beyond puberty, then it qualifies as a reason for gynecomastia surgery. Eligible patients exhibit fat deposits accumulated behind the areolas (the dark skin around the nipples). Enlarged chest dimensions can decrease a man’s self-confidence and desire to be intimate with others.
To determine your candidacy for male breast reduction, please contact The Gillian Institute.
Every great achievement begins with a simple conversation. Dr. Short is eager to hear from you so she can strategize the best path forward. During your consultation, be prepared to share your medical history and future goals.
As part of our continued effort to communicate with the Indianapolis community, we regularly update our blog. Feel free to peruse our posts and bring any questions that may arise with you to the consultation. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Short, call (317) 913-3260 for our Northside office or (317) 787-3260 to reach us in Downtown Indianapolis.
The Gillian Institute team will provide you with detailed instructions to prepare you for gynecomastia surgery. Patients are required to stop smoking well in advance of a reduction procedure involving a direct excision of the breast tissue. Dr. Short wants to lower the risk of complications related to decreased blood flow to the incisions after surgery. Smoking has been shown to reduce the blood flow to incisions by at least 30%, significantly contributing to complications.
If you have any questions regarding the protocols for a healthy surgery and ensuing recovery, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You will go home with light dressings over the incision sites. Your medical team will outfit you with TopiFoam pads under a compression chest vest. Please wear the compression gear for 2 weeks, 24 hours a day. You may shower after 72 hours or 3 days if no drains are placed. If drains are placed, then you are not able to shower until the drains are removed in the office. Typically, drains are removed after 5-7 days. Skin glue adhesive or steri-strips are applied to the incisions. Scar treatment options are available at your two week follow-up appointment.
If Dr. Short opts for the direct excision approach, she will recommend extensive taping to the breast incisions for the first 6-8 weeks of recovery to reduce scarring. The scars will fade over time. Light activities can be resumed after 2 weeks and all activities are resumed at 6 weeks. Dr. Short advises patients to wear the compression male vest for 6 weeks.
The recovery period is 1-2 weeks with lifting restrictions and arm movements less than 10 lbs for the first 2 weeks. You will need someone to take care of you for the first 24-48 hours following surgery. You are required to have a driver for the first week post-operative.
Dr. Short is an artist and a scientist. She will apply her considerable medical prowess to providing the contours that reflect your best self. Gynecomastia surgery is tailored to each patient’s needs, but typically achieves a certain subset of fantastic results.
To get a glimpse of your future satisfaction, take a look at our rave reviews. The Gillian Institute is proud to provide 5-star service to our Indianapolis friends and neighbors.
Nothing in life is permanent, but gynecomastia surgery provides long-lasting results. The fat cells removed during the procedure are gone for good, but that does not prevent you from increasing size in your remaining fat stores. It is advisable to maintain a stable weight to extend the benefits of breast reduction surgery for years and even decades to come! Please contact The Gillian Institute to learn how gynecomastia treatment can help you.