choose the right breast implant

How to Choose the Right Breast Implant: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering breast augmentation or undergoing a medical procedure that involves implants? Making the right choice when selecting the perfect implant is paramount to achieving the desired results. In this extensive guide, we will take you on a journey through the intricate process of choosing the ideal breast implant.

Focusing on the options available, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and expertise to make an informed decision. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to your new confidence as we unravel the secrets of picking the right implant, ensuring a successful outcome that aligns perfectly with your goals and aspirations.

How to Pick the Right Implant: Exploring the Different Options

When it comes to breast implants, one of the critical decisions you’ll need to make is the choice of implant material. Keep reading to understand the options available and how each material has its own unique characteristics and considerations.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are a popular choice for many individuals seeking breast augmentation, made with a sterile saltwater solution known as saline inside a soft, silicone shell. The advantages of saline implants include their affordability, the ability to adjust the volume during surgery to achieve better symmetry and that in the unlikely event of a rupture or leak, the saline solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body. This makes it easier to detect and address any issues that may arise. Saline implants are also available to individuals 18 or older for breast augmentation.

Silicone Implants: A Natural Look and Feel

Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel, closely mimicking the feel of natural breast tissue. They are a popular choice due to their ability to provide a more natural appearance and texture, being less likely to ripple or fold. Silicone implants offer a softer and more realistic result, making them a preferred option for many individuals. Silicone implants are available for individuals 22 or older for breast augmentation.

Structured Implants

Structured implants are a newer addition to the implant options available. They consist of a silicone shell filled with saline but with an internal structure that provides additional support and shape. The form is designed to control the movement of the saline solution within the implant, resulting in a more natural appearance and reduced risk of rippling.

Gummy Bear Implants: Form-Stable for Enhanced Shape

Gummy bear implants, or highly cohesive silicone gel implants, are filled with a thicker silicone gel. This gel has a form-stable consistency, maintaining its shape even if the implant shell were to break. The nickname “gummy bear” comes from the resemblance to the texture and firmness of the popular candy. These implants are known for their ability to retain their shape, providing a more natural and long-lasting outcome. Gummy bear implants are available for individuals 22 or older for breast augmentation.

Mentor Xtra: A Revolutionary Option

Mentor Xtra implants are a specific type of breast implant known for their innovative design and advanced features. Mentor Xtra implants incorporate a unique technology called the Xtra gel matrix, designed to provide a soft, natural feel while maintaining its shape and integrity. The Xtra gel matrix offers improved cohesiveness, reducing the risk of gel migration and rippling.

One notable feature of Mentor Xtra implants is their ability to maintain their shape, even when placed in an upright position. This feature can help achieve more predictable results and minimize the risk of implant rotation. In addition to their innovative design, Mentor Xtra implants come in a range of sizes and profiles to accommodate different body types and desired outcomes. This allows for a more personalized approach to breast augmentation, ensuring individuals can achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

Smooth vs. Textured Implants: Surface Considerations

In addition to the implant material, you’ll also need to decide between a smooth or textured surface for your implant. Let’s take a closer look at the differences:

Smooth Implants: A Soft and Natural Option

Smooth implants have a sleek surface, allowing movement within the breast pocket. They tend to have a softer feel and may provide a more natural look. One advantage of smooth implants is their lower risk of rippling or wrinkling. However, it’s important to note that smooth implants may have a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture, a condition where scar tissue forms around the implant, causing it to feel firm or hard.

Textured Implants: Reduced Risk of Capsular Contracture

Textured implants have a surface designed to promote tissue adherence. This texture helps to reduce the risk of capsular contracture, making textured implants a popular choice for some individuals. The textured surface can help to create a more stable position for the implant and may provide additional support. However, it’s important to note that textured implants may have a slightly higher risk of developing a rare condition called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This risk is still relatively low but should be discussed with your surgeon.

Round vs. Teardrop: Considering Implant Shape

Another aspect to consider when selecting breast implants is the shape of the implant itself. The two main options are round and teardrop-shaped implants. Let’s explore the differences:

Round Implants: Enhanced Fullness and Cleavage

Round implants are symmetrical and provide fullness throughout the breast. They are versatile and can create a more pronounced cleavage. Round implants tend to be less expensive compared to teardrop-shaped implants. They can also offer a more noticeable augmentation, especially in the upper portion of the breasts.

Teardrop Implants: Mimicking Natural Breast Shape

Teardrop implants, or anatomical or contoured implants, mimic the breast’s natural shape. They have a tapered appearance with more volume towards the bottom, resembling a teardrop. Teardrop implants can provide a more gradual slope and a natural-looking result. These implants are often recommended for individuals who desire a subtle augmentation and a more natural breast shape.

Sizing Matters: Finding the Perfect Fit

Choosing the right size or volume for your breast implants is essential to achieving your desired outcome. Selecting the right implant size is a personal choice. It’s necessary to have open and honest communication with your surgeon throughout the decision-making process.

Body Proportions and Frame

Consider your body shape, height and frame when selecting implant size. Choosing a size that complements your overall proportions and achieves a balanced appearance yields the best results.

Tissue Characteristics

The amount of breast tissue you have can impact the available options for implant size. Your surgeon will evaluate your natural breast tissue and provide recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

Lifestyle and Activity Level
Your lifestyle and activity level can impact the size of the implant that is suitable for you. If you lead an active lifestyle, you may prefer a smaller implant that allows for greater ease of movement.

Desired Outcome
Don’t be afraid to communicate your goals and expectations to the surgeon openly. Bring reference photos to your consultation to help illustrate the look you’re aiming for, assisting in the recommendations for the appropriate implant size that aligns with your vision.

Implant Profile
Implants come in different low, moderate and high profiles. Each profile affects the projection and fullness of the breasts. Discuss the profile options with your surgeon to determine which suits your goals best.

Sizing Process
Your surgeon will guide you through the sizing process, which may involve trying on different sizes or using three-dimensional imaging technology to simulate your potential results. This will give you a better idea of how various implant sizes will look on your body.

Projection/Profile: Enhancing the Breast Contour

Implant projection, or profile, refers to how much the implant projects forward from the chest wall. Different profiles can affect the overall breast contour.

Here are the main options:

Low Profile

Low-profile implants have less projection and contain a broader base. They tend to provide a more subtle augmentation, making them suitable for individuals who desire a natural-looking result.

Moderate Profile

Moderate-profile implants strike a balance between a natural look and added fullness. They have a slightly narrower base and offer a moderate amount of projection.

High Profile

High-profile implants project more prominently from the chest wall due to their shape, including a narrower base. They can provide a significant increase in fullness and are often chosen by individuals seeking a more dramatic augmentation.

Get the Breasts You’ve Always Wanted in Indianapolis, Indiana!

Choosing the right implant is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Now that you understand the importance of sizing and considering factors such as body proportions, lifestyle and desired outcomes will help you make an informed choice about saline, silicone, gummy bear or Mentor Xtra implants.

At the Gillian Institute of Indianapolis, Indiana, Dr. Kimberly Short, our qualified and experienced surgeon, is waiting to meet you and guide you through the process of choosing your perfect bustline. We’ll help you get the results you desire and boost your confidence. Contact us here today to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long do breast implants typically last?

A: The lifespan of breast implants can vary. While they are designed to be long-lasting, it’s essential to remember that they are not considered lifetime devices. Some individuals may need their implants replaced or removed due to complications or changes in their preferences.

Q: Are breast implants safe?

A: Breast implants are considered safe and have undergone rigorous testing and improvements over the years. When you have your consultation, our staff will provide detailed information about the potential risks and benefits.

Q: Can breast implants affect breastfeeding?

A: Breast implants can potentially affect breastfeeding, but it largely depends on various factors, including the placement of the implant and the surgical technique used. Discussing your breastfeeding plans with your surgeon before the procedure is vital to ensure you make an informed decision.

Q: What is capsular contracture?

A: Capsular contracture is a possible complication that can occur after breast augmentation. It happens when scar tissue forms around the implant and tightens, causing the breast to feel firm or hard. While the risk of capsular contracture exists, advancements in surgical techniques and implant design have significantly reduced its occurrence.

Q: How much does breast augmentation cost?

A: The cost of breast augmentation can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the type of implant chosen, the geographical location and additional fees such as anesthesia and facility charges. You will be provided with your total cost estimation at your consultation appointment.

Q: What is the recovery process like after breast augmentation?

A: The recovery process after breast augmentation can vary from person to person. It generally involves a period of rest, restricted activities and wearing a support bra. Dr. Short will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. It’s essential to follow these guidelines and attend any necessary follow-up appointments.