Guide to Implant Sizing
The Right Implant Size For You
Choosing the proper implant size, shape, and projection for your breast augmentation is a personal decision that will benefit from your surgeon’s input. Many patients looking to enhance their breast size know how they want to look; you might even have a picture saved for reference – bring it to your appointment! But there are many considerations involved, which you may not have thought about. After all, the size of your breasts can change your silhouette, clothes, confidence, and more. Are you active? What is your body type? There are so many different components in this big decision that it can feel overwhelming. Consider the benefit of having a surgeon in your corner who brings experience both as a plastic surgery recipient and a skilled surgeon. Add the fact that she has completed fellowships that less than 10% of all cosmetic surgeons have completed and the dedication of a life devoted to education and experience in plastic surgery.
Dr. Kimberly Short, MD, FACS of The Gillian Institute, is a board-certified plastic surgeon who helps patients in Carmel, Fishers, and Indianapolis achieve their aesthetic aspirations. Dr. Short creates works of art. Dr. Short’s patients love her nurturing and educational approach to the complex decisions that accompany breast augmentations.
To schedule your consultation, call (317) 913-3260 or (317) 787-3260, or contact us, and we will be in touch shortly. For added convenience, we also offer virtual consultations.
In the meantime, dive into the artistry and surgical expertise of Dr. Short as well as the other procedures offered by The Gillian Institute on our blog.
Before and After Photos
Breast Augmentation Surgery
The decision to have breast augmentation surgery is personal and might be linked to genetics, breastfeeding, weight loss, or age. Have your breasts lost volume, or was the volume never there to begin with? Did you lose your ample bosom because you breastfed? Maybe weight loss left your breasts deflated, or age has taken its toll. Whatever the reason, you are not alone. Almost 200,000 women underwent breast augmentation surgery in 2020 alone. [1] How we feel can be linked to our self-image; if your self-image needs a boost, a breast augmentation may be the solution. Restore a feeling of feminine energy, grace, and beauty; so much is out of our control, but you can take control of your appearance with Dr. Short’s help.
Your preliminary virtual consultation with licensed Medical Assistant Melissa Mahmoud will allow you the chance to better understand if this procedure is right for you. Ms. Mahmoud will discuss your options for breast augmentation surgery and will give you a quote of your expected costs. You will discuss breast implant shape, size and type options to the fullest extent, so you understand your options and what informs Dr. Short’s highly individualized decision. Ms. Mahmoud will take the time to answer your questions so you know what to expect from surgery, the healing process, and beyond. You will feel supported to share openly and honestly about why you want breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Short.
Once you are cleared as a good candidate for surgery and you decide this procedure is right for you, you will meet with Dr. Short so she can explain her technique and what she recommends for your case. Then, your medical history, pre-existing conditions, any medications you take, and your goals and expectations from surgery will be reviewed.
Patients in Carmel, Fishers, and Indianapolis can schedule a consultation today! Call (317) 913-3260 or (317) 787-3260 to speak with a member of our dedicated staff.
Candidates for Breast Augmentation
Ideal candidates for breast augmentation surgery are at a healthy, stable weight; significant weight fluctuations after surgery can reduce the overall effect of your breast enhancement. If you are a smoker, you should quit all nicotine products for eight weeks before surgery and for the duration of recovery; nicotine can impede the healing process. Additionally, discuss with Dr. Short any blood-thinning medication you take to avoid excessive bleeding during surgery.
Finding Your Implant Size
As your surgeon, Dr. Short’s mission is to produce fantastic results and patient satisfaction – she wants you to be thrilled with your breasts. She takes seriously the process of determining which size, shape, and projection are right for you. It will depend on various factors like the width of the base of your breast, the amount of skin stretch, and nipple-to-fold distance. (2)
Picture This
One way to communicate your goals to Dr. Short is by letting her step inside your head. Find a photo (or a few) of breasts you think are beautiful so Dr. Short can get an idea of what you find aesthetically pleasing. As with anything, human perception varies – what you see as “large” might be medium or small to another patient. Armed with this visual reference, Dr. Short will take measurements of your breasts and chest circumference to determine what implant shape and type will achieve your desired results. Then, she will work with you to create a breast implant surgery plan that meets your preferences and delivers ideal outcomes.
The Breast Plan
Dr. Short will consider many things when planning your surgical procedure. Here are a few methods to approach the final decision.
Implant Sizing
A common misconception is that breast implants are measured by cup size – they are not. Instead, they are measured by cubic centimeters (cc). Dr. Short will use a special implant sizer during your consultation, which are actual implants you wear inside a bra equipped with pockets. Going up or down in implant cc size will help you “try on” different breasts to see how your silhouette changes and how the size feels.
To help you in this process, you might consider:
- Bringing a friend – do you have a friend who tells it like it is? Bring them along. Having a second opinion to offer guidance and perspective on how the breasts look on you is incredibly valuable.
- Love Your Fit – we will have you try on a top you wish you could fit into, allowing additional sizing adjustment if desired. You will be able to change shirts and continue to change implant size, so you will know exactly how your new implants will feel in your everyday clothing. Bring as many tops as you want to get a feel for how your clothing will drape with your new beautiful breasts.
The Breast Measurements
Dr. Short will take specific measurements, which will help her understand the right implant size for you. She will consider your:
- Breast base width
- Bust/chest circumference
- Nipple to inframammary (between the breasts) fold distance.
Additionally, to create a balanced silhouette, she will consider your torso size and overall height to ensure the implants are appropriate for what you are already working with.
Your Skin’s Story
Dr. Short must carefully consider the individual tissue attributes of each patient to avoid serious complications. [3] This is where Dr. Short’s perfectionism benefits the patient. She will take into account:
- Skin stretch and thinning
- Breast sag
- Skin and cellular health
Paying close attention to the state of your skin and your breasts will prevent implant edge or shell visibility, implant edge or shell palpability, rippling, “bottoming deformities,” and implant displacement. [3]
Bottoming-out is when a ridge of breast tissue protrudes under the bottom of the implant but above the base of the breast, creating a “double-bubble” effect. These deformities represent the second most common reason for revision surgery in breast augmentation. [4]
The acronym T.E.P.I.D. [3] summarizes the key factors that determine optimal augmentation results:
- T – tissue characteristics
- E – envelope (overlying skin and subcutaneous fat of the breast)
- P – parenchyma (the functional tissue of an organ)
- I – implant
- D – dynamics of implant and filler distribution that affect soft tissues
The more you understand the careful considerations Dr. Short takes leading up to surgery, the more you can be sure that you have found the best surgeon for the job.
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
A new you! It’s hard to imagine the boost in confidence a beautiful breast augmentation can inspire, but patients experience a change beyond the physical.
You will see the outcomes of your breast implant surgery immediately. Still, there will also be bruising and swelling, so it is important to remember that the final results will reveal themselves within four to six weeks. Fuller, shapelier and symmetrical breasts await you after the healing process. And because Dr. Short has taken every precaution leading to surgery, you will love your breasts for years to come. Your breasts will feel soft and natural, and your body contours will be pleasing, even in your birthday suit!
What is the Cost of a Breast Augmentation in Indiana?
Dr. Short will be pleased to create a personalized surgical plan, including an accurate price quote during your consultation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
What Kind of Implants Does Dr. Short Use?
Dr. Short uses both saline and silicone implants. Saline implants will be placed at the desired depth of the breast unfilled and then, at the desired depth, will be filled with sterile saline. For silicone implants, Dr. Short uses the Keller Funnel to place silicone implants. This method guarantees that the silicone implant stays in a contained, sterile environment before it is placed in the body.
Do You Offer Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer can be combined with other breast enhancement procedures involving implants. Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is performed using fat from your own body. The fat is extracted using liposuction, processed, and then carefully re-injected into the breast.
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2020). American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/plastic-surgery-statistics
- Adams WP, Mckee D. Matching the Implant to the Breast. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016;138(5):987-994. doi:10.1097/prs.0000000000002623
- Tebbetts JB. A System for Breast Implant Selection Based on Patient Tissue Characteristics and Implant-Soft Tissue Dynamics. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2002;109(4):1396-1409. doi:10.1097/00006534-200204010-00030
- Salgarello M, Visconti G. Staying Out of Double-Bubble and Bottoming-Out Deformities in Dual-Plane Breast Augmentation: Anatomical and Clinical Study. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2017;41(5):999-1006. doi:10.1007/s00266-017-0918-8